Venus is Coming

September 21, 2008

Right now my first novel, Venus in Blue Jeans, is working its way through the publishing process at Samhain Publishing. I’ve got a tentative blurb, that looks like this:

Coming off a broken engagement to a lying charmer, all bookstore-owner Docia Kent wants is a fling, not a long-term romance. And for her fabulously wealthy and fabulously nosy parents to butt out of her life for a while. The Texas Hill Country town of Konigsburg looks like the perfect place to get both. Especially when she gets a look at long, tall country-vet Cal Toleffson.

Cal has other plans for Docia. One glance at the six-foot version of Botticelli’s Venus, and he knows he’s looking at the woman of his dreams. Now if he can just fend off the eccentric characters of Konigsburg long enough to convince her romance isn’t such a bad idea.

One night of mind-blowing sex isn’t the only thing that leaves them both stunned. Cal may not be as innocent as he seems. While someone else is up to no good, putting both Docia’s bookstore and her life in danger!” Once again she finds her trust tested—was she ever meant to have a happily ever, after all?

I started writing Venus almost two years ago–two years of critique groups (thanks, guys!), contests, and submissions until Venus was contracted by Samhain this summer. It’s due out in January and I’ll try to keep everyone posted of its progress on this blog. But it’s been a long, sort of see-sawing journey, sometimes euphoric, frequently not (in one contest I got a 93, a 98, and a 54–since there was no discrepancy judging, I was out of luck!). Anyway, come January, Venus should be gracing the electronic shelves and everybody else can see what I’ve been obsessing over all this time.


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