Hello Again, World

February 26, 2018

woman writingA couple of years ago, I stopped blogging. At the time, blogging seemed like a lost cause—all the social media gurus were telling us it wasn’t worth the bother. Plus it seemed to take a lot of time. Plus, frankly, I wasn’t sure I had anything to say that anyone wanted to hear. Surely there was already enough chatter in enough venues and I was already posting on Facebook and Twitter. Couldn’t I just get a bye on blogging?

But a funny thing happened about my blog—I missed it. I’d been writing blog posts in various venues (including MySpace, y’all) for almost a decade. I wasn’t always regular about it, but I kept doing it. It gave me a chance to talk about things I was reading and writing and thinking, although I usually avoided politics and other controversial topics—something I’ll probably still do.

So here I am again, reacquainting myself with WordPress and how my patient site designer set it up so that I could keep blogging (sorry, Dee—I know you tried to make it happen). I know those social media gurus probably still think blogging is a lost cause, but it’s a cause I can work with. I’m definitely not a Snapchat type (hell, I can hardly get Instagram to work, living in a cell phone dead zone as I do), and my interest in Twitter is sort of limited.

Will anyone read this? Who knows? I may well be talking to myself, and I may occasionally need to remind potential readers that this little venue exists. But I promise this time I’ll keep at it. It may not be the best platform from a marketing point of view, but it gives me a place to maunder.

And mental healthwise, that’s worth a lot.

Posted in Blog • |  3 Comments


3 thoughts on “Hello Again, World

  1. I look forward to hearing you. Maybe pretend you are talking to me over a glass of wine at one of our favorite restaurants.

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